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How to name your business fast

This post has been updated multiple times based on many personal sagas as well as helping others go through it. Warning: It's because of this experience that I think you MUST have a success state or finish line in mind before you go through this. This process can be...


Since your net worth is created by your network, skillfully growing and managing it should be a top priority of anyone who's interested in greater stability, safety, and opportunity in life. NFX has even gone so far as to say it dictates much of your life. So if this...

Journaling System

Journaling is an open concept, but essentially an “accounting” (keeping a record of events) from a certain time frame. I would suggest recording high significance events within a single wake-cycle time frame (or 24 hours or “day”).  If you’re simply looking for a way...

Compound Period

The most important and probably most ignored idea in finance or life is the reality of time. Compound period is an example of the interaction between an investment, and the time between when the return is compounded back into the principal and reinvested. For example,...

100% Percent Calendar

If time is the most important resource, then actually being consistent and serious about that is necessary. One of the best ways to manage this reality is to both plan, and track 100% of your time in Google Calendar. The reason for 100% is that if you multiply 60...


I talk to a lot of people (especially those early in their careers) who are figuring out how to find a direction to pursue (a good pursuit) and accumulate resources such as experience, relationships, skills, knowledge, etc in (capitalism). A simple tool I developed...


I've recently observed how particularly in the last 200-500 years there's been a praiseworthy and concerted effort to synthesize the most important fundamentals of a field or topic, which has often been fairly successful in many of them. And then those findings have...

Chrome Omnibox and IFTTT Webhooks

If you use Chrome, Trello, or a huge assortment of other technology products, this an excellent method for quickly capturing a single value of information. This is accomplished by setting up a "custom search engine" through Chrome, and then using the chrome Omnibox to...

Portion Control

Most people use the wrong signals to stop and start behaviors, and therefore get the wrong results. Imagine you're eating some great cake, and you've eaten a single slice and it was excellent. That signal of "this is good" should actually be an signal to stop eating...

Decay Rate of Tasks

Imagine every task you had on your to do list, cost $5 per month. This would fundamentally change how you viewed them. Working on 10 tasks 10% each month would still mean you're paying $5 per month for all of them for the whole time for 10 months until they're all...

Dashboard’s for Meta Organization

Imagine you had a single folder with 10,000 documents, or 10,000 folders with a single file? How about 100 folders with 100 files, which is more preferable? And what if you had structure dictating some top level folders, and some lower level folders? Say categories,...

Comedic Friction

I'm sure you've experienced it, you're in a meeting of some kind and trying to tackle an important topic, and someone cracks a joke. Regardless of the quality or appropriateness of the joke, a threat to the effectiveness of the meeting has been introduced. I call it...

747 Time Management

If you were an airplane, what kind of airplane would you be? Most people live their life like a fighter jet, or even worse, a UFO. But in reality, the most highly productive people are like 747’s. Let me explain. Because time is really a subset of physics, this means...

Sleep Quality

Sleep is a critically important activity, one that we ideally spend one third of our life doing. And the quality of it determines the large majority of our life. So with that in mind, here are some of the most helpful things I've found for improving sleep quality....


Defined by as: “any system or network of interconnecting and interacting parts, as in a business” We all have ecosystems — aka large interconnected areas of our life — but we usually don’t break them down into their component systems. This means we lack...

7 Of The Best Blog Title Generators

This is probably one of the best. Using a fill in the blank style you can generate a lot of ideas in a short amount of time. Here's a sample of some I whipped up. Check it out here: Some wacky ideas and fun...

How to generate too many business ideas

I often hear people expressing frustration at finding "business ideas", but you can't (and shouldn't) start with "business ideas". You have to go through a full loop of the OODA process to create a successful business. Most people are starting with solutions, and not...


If you know you have an addiction to anything, spending time around both the thing and the people who abuse it will increase your chance of relapse or abuse to near 100%. Sadly, what most people attempt is to continue to spend time around those people and use...


Like most concepts, this is very simple at its core, but profound in its applications and implications. Simply put, "value creation is measured by the distance traveled towards perfection away from a problem". And utility is the tool used to create value, consider it...


Since I use my voice a lot to either conduct business or help people with their own businesses, it's a crucial tool and resource for me to maintain and protect. Here are some of my favorite tools to do so: Warm water - helps keep the throat and muscles relaxed and...

Dream Job

When looking for a dream job. It's important to start with the process of OODA, and to follow that up with an Opportunity board. But once you locate an opportunity and move it into the "Due Diligence" list on your Opportunity Trello board, it's very important to...


Out of all our resources, our relationships are often the one we don't establish a lot of structure in. People with great financial fitness structure their finances. People with great health structure their exercise and nutrition. People with great time management,...


Opportunities are everywhere. So frequent in fact, that we often miss out on taking full advantage of them. Usually simply because we lack structure to support ourselves in this area. As one of my favorite programs, Trello absolutely has a solution for this. Start by:...


Freedom is one of the most misused ideas, especially in terms of politics and human agency. Liberty is the misunderstood answer to the issue. Freedom regards being able to do anything. A total lack of rules of authority. Essentially anarchy. Liberty regards being able...


One of the greatest tools for reading comprehension is reading a small piece of text, and then creating a summation or synopsis of that text. Here's an example: "Famous colleges are part of the labeling and ranking system, but have virtually nothing to do with the...


Thinking that people simply go from input to behavior is fantasy. There are a couple steps in between input and their behavior that make a huge difference in understanding other people's behavior or feelings. The solution is called "REBT" (Rational Emotive Behavior...

Causal Window

When you make the decision to eat cake vs drink water, bringing the whole "causal window" into focus is key to making the right decision. The majority of the time, we make decisions based on a very short amount of time that doesn't allow for the entire set of effects...


How we utilize our resources determines our ROI. But it's amazing that even while a small group of people understand the measurement and comparison tool; Utility (essentially "a good outcome"), few realize that everything in life has a level of quality. Technology is...


Posture in this context is like posture for your health, this is posture for personality. It's essentially the external result of internal character. When we have bad internal character, we exhibit it externally in our proverbial "posture". An example is calling...

Personal Branding

How you brand yourself is a large indicator of how people will respond and interact with you. You are essentially teaching other people how to treat you. This means using care and thought when creating your online identity is key in taking full advantage of...

Future Journaling

I highly recommend journaling for many many reasons. But a very powerful additional technique is instead of journaling about the past, journal about the future. So you're still writing down what happened recently, just from the perspective of 1-10 years from now. An...


Everyone possesses a set of core resources, and how well we invest those resources based on ROI determines our results. Peter Drucker is right that you can't manage what you don't measure. But you can't measure what you don't know you have. So starting to understand...


As we live our lives, and either meet or fall short of our Present Potential, we collect experiences and external input from the world. These experiences can be anywhere from great to ugly. Of course how we respond to them through our decisions is huge. But holding...

Box Breathing

Box breathing is a very powerful technique that massively changes your body's chemistry and your physiology. It's most helpful in high stress, pressure, or anxiety situations. But it's very helpful in any circumstance or emotional state! 1. Start by slowly expelling...


There are many industries that I view as "nebulous". So lofty, vague, complex, and/or risky, that they appear nebulous to those who don't have a solid understanding of them. I know many people view spaces like legal, medicine, or taxes as nebulous. What's interesting...


You can measure rough inflation by: 1. Take the price of gold in 1913 which was $20 per Troy Ounce (eg $20 gold Double Eagle is one Troy Ounce) 2. Take the current price of gold [gold-price] ($1,100 at time of writing) 3. Divide 20 by the current price of gold 4. That...


There's two types of delegation in leadership: 1. Ego based delegation - centered around the principle that you're "too good" or that a specific task is "below you" 2. Humility based delegation - centered around the principle that you're not very good, and that others...


Framing (the act of producing a framework that supports and provides structure to an idea) is a very powerful effect. It happens whether or not we're conscious of it. Which of course is why being conscious and aware of it is key. It's very connected to your worldview,...


I frequently hear the words "key", "secret", and "everything" thrown around with reckless abandon. And yes, they're mainly used for marketing purposes, but let's take a look at the definitions: Key - of paramount or crucial importance Secret - something that is or is...


Framing (a framework that supports and produces structure to an idea) is a very powerful effect. It happens whether or not we're conscious of it. Which of course is why being conscious and aware of it is key. Most people frame the idea of the "rest of their life" very...

Hindsight In Sight

Ever been at an event, saw some food you knew was a bad idea (too much sugar, bread, salt, etc), and ate it anyway and felt terrible the next day? Well that's how most of our lives are working in the grand scheme of things. We make decisions on far too small a cause...


It's very common for people to say that success feels surreal. I think upon examination there’s actually a pretty simplistic reason. A dream is something imagined. Imagine means to “believe something unreal or untrue to exist or be so”. The more you fixate on your...

Side Business

Starting a side business can be a great way to build an income stream, monetize, fund, or scale a hobby, or create a more gradual and reliable shift from a job to entrepreneurship. In a side hustle, you need to be extremely clear on what your desired outcome is before...


Consuming knowledge is only the first step. Actually retaining that knowledge is the tough part. Especially since there's two types of memory: Recognition, and Recall. Recognition is like when you can't remember the name of an actor from that one movie, and then...


Ever wondered how to explain what you do? I did for a long time, as I'm sure many entrepreneurs have always struggled to. Especially if you operate multiple projects! This technique from the brilliant Nicholas Boothman was mindblowing: 1. You know how? [Target Market]...


Planning is crucial. Not because things go according to plan. But that as Alan Lakein says "failing to plan, is planning to fail". Brian Tracy suggests that 1 minute of planning saves an average of 10 minutes of execution. And anything that has a 10x ROI is something...

Writing a Book

Writing a book is on the goal or bucket list for many people. The best practices aren't that hard, it's the actual fleshing out of the chapters that takes hard work. These are some of the things I've learned and best selling authors use: Define the persona of a single...

Return On Investment

One of the single most crucial concepts and keys to success that I've ever learned. This is one of the things I'll reference the most as well. It's actually rather simple: when "principle" (resources of money, time, knowledge, etc) is invested, ROI is how much profit...


Some of my favorite links, tools, services, and products that I use frequently. Software Trello - I've mentioned this a number of times, but it's actually one of the pieces of software I use the most Gmail - email is an extraordinarily effective tool if used correctly...


Based on the idea of "Present Potential", one of the things I'm just starting to understand in it's full power and impact, is how decisions are so crucial to our results. I'm sure you've experience that moment of standing in front of the fridge with the door open, or...

Business Physics

Something that can help people understand business much more readily, is to understand physics and the basic laws of thermodynamics. Some laws have direct correlation, some are more abstract or don't have any direct application due to businesses involving a more meta...


Value is the engine that drives the vehicles of economies. Understanding value and how it's exchanged and stored is absolutely crucial to understanding business and even life. Simply put: Value is the result of a problem solved, it's the solution applied. It's the...

Rose Thorn Bud

One of the most helpful mastermind or accountability group structures I've found is "Rose Thorn Bud", it's pretty straightforward: 1. Rose - What went well in the last week(s) 2. Thorn - What didn't go well 3. Bud - But what could/should go well in the future Make...

Points Per Page

When reading a book, especially recently, I've observed that many books vary greatly on their "Points per Page" or "Points/Page" ratio. I find this is helpful in communicating how value packed a book is. I've noticed a lot of books dropping in their Points/Page ratios...


Most people consider their life in 'quadrants' or 'sectors' (often just personal and work). Which makes it easy to see why people talk about "work-life balance". But our life is more accurately described by layers, specifically 4 primary layers: 4. Fitness - your...

Inverse Contrast

Based on my concept of "Contrast", there's another alternative use for it. Contrast is used for making a value judgment on an unknown position, to gain understanding through context. Contrast summed up, is the speed limit. Without knowing it, you don't know if your...


Content creation is important for the primary reason that it allows one to share their knowledge, experiences, and ideas with others in a leveraged format. If you think you have content to create (the chances are high that you do), you've likely struggled with it at...


Winning means "gaining, resulting in, or relating to victory in a contest or competition". To gain victory of a competition, one must know the rules. Even the game of "Calvinball" in which you make the rules up as you go along, indeed possesses rules as well...

The Jar System

The key between rich and poor/middle class people is their ability to manage their money. Rich people are excellent money managers and poor or middle class people are less-savvy when it comes to managing their money. Of course, there are many other distinctions that...


Every day we get opportunities and face decisions (which inherently require sacrifice), that either contribute towards our potential, or take away from it. We must go through an OODA Loop to determine the best orientation and planning, but result wise our action...

Reference Group

I'm sure you've probably heard the quote in one form or another, that "you become the books you read and the 5 people you spend the most time around". I won't bother covering how important reading is, suffice it to say: very. What I do want to share is the idea of...

Referential Compression

Ever heard of the USA? If so, chances are very good that mentioning that very simple series of letters 'unpacked' an entire country into your present consciousness. And now I'm able to reference a stunning amount of information simply with a couple characters!...

How to be Depressed

If you would love to be more depressed in your life, I've discovered some very powerful things that will help you be down and out faster than you ever thought possible! Don't take great care of yourself Don't go outside, especially not in sunshine Don't exert physical...

Follow vs Lead

The last couple decades have brought about a uniquely sharp shift in philosophy, especially in the United States (but occurring elsewhere). This is often more or less apparent based on; one's level of exposure to history, and age. These two things often allow greater...


Heuristics are fascinating to me. I believe this is because they present a tremendous opportunity to influence our mindset and thinking. A heuristic is something like stereotyping, it's a tool for mental efficiency, a shortcut in other words. This doesn't mean it's...


If you're a coach, consultant, or counselor especially, you use outsight on a daily basis. In fact, I would go so far as to say that the most powerful value creation tool you possess is outsight! Outsight simply explained is: "a fresh pair of eyes" It's easy to get...

Feedback Email

After finishing reading The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod, I was finally convinced to perform an exercise in outsight by sending out a short email to a handful of friends, asking them to respond with a couple simple things: 1. My top 2-3 strengths 2. My top 2-3...

Maslow 2.0

It's interesting to me that people so commonly relay Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs in the form of a pyramid! Especially considering that Maslow himself (and many others) thought they were more nebulous and less linear at the time, let alone what it's turned into now. No...

Automating Calendar Reminders

This is a guest post by Lawrence He Back when I started my video production business during college, I was a typical unorganized, aloof college student. Like many, I repeatedly missed meetings and engagements. It didn't take long for me to see the the importance of...

Envy vs Covet

I find etymology and linguistics fascinating, primarily because it provides subtle details and delineation on words. Which leads to increased quality and quantity of communication. A great example of this effect is the delineation of "envy" and "covet". Envy -  to...

Defensible vs Indefensible

Very often, we maintain mental beliefs and ideas, or take certain actions that when examined are completely indefensible. But beforehand seemed extremely defensible. This is especially true when it comes to excuses. Almost always, excuses are not dependable, hence...


We're simply barely alive carcasses. Every morning we get up and wash our carcasses, we try to make them smell good, we scrub off the dead stuff. And hopefully keep the still living stuff alive. We brush their mandibles, we move them to work, and we give...


Imagine for a moment you read a book a month. Since the average American reads very few books a year — if any — you consider yourself a heavy reader. And that's completely fine! The majority of people don't read much, especially anything valuable, so 12 books a year...

The OODA Loop

The OODA Loop was developed by John Boyd to develop and manage strategy in battle, but was soon adopted to boardrooms and business meetings because of it's effectiveness. This quote accurately describes a good part of the power of this technique: A problem well-stated...

Personal Finance Tools

Some amazing personal finance tools that I've found cool or helpful. Updated 7/19. Manage your money, pay your bills and track your credit score, all in one place with Mint. Bonus for Mint: get the custom adblock filter to improve your user experience...

Expanded Consciousness

I know what you're thinking, "'expanding your consciousness'? That sounds like some new age thing", and you're not wrong. It's commonly used in new age and esoteric topics, but it's actually a very practical and simple idea and doesn't involve crystal balls....

How To Find Your Passion

First, something really really important; finding your passion or purpose is a PROCESS! I know you might have some friends who had some aggravatingly simple 'voice from heaven' experience because they read a dumb Buzzfeed article on '5 Steps to Find Your Passion...


1. Purchase, and read, this short book called "The Go Giver" in any format you like, you can get it here: Pro tip: You can sign up for a free trial of Audible here, which will give you 2 free audiobook...

My Favorite Quotes

This is a collection of quotes I've found powerful or important over the years. Excellence is an art won by training and habituation: we act not rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but rather have these because we have acted rightly; these virtues are formed...

7 Books You Must Read

I believe books are the key to unlocking knowledge and ideas to help us grow. So in that spirit, here are 7 of the top personal development books I've read, that I highly recommend you read! 1. The Go Giver - Bob Burg and John David Mann 2. Miracle Morning - Hal Elrod...