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Thinking that people simply go from input to behavior is fantasy. There are a couple steps in between input and their behavior that make a huge difference in understanding other people’s behavior or feelings. The solution is called “REBT” (Rational...

Causal Window

When you make the decision to eat cake vs drink water, bringing the whole “causal window” into focus is key to making the right decision. The majority of the time, we make decisions based on a very short amount of time that doesn’t allow for the...


How we utilize our resources determines our ROI. But it’s amazing that even while a small group of people understand the measurement and comparison tool; Utility (essentially “a good outcome”), few realize that everything in life has a level of...


Posture in this context is like posture for your health, this is posture for personality. It’s essentially the external result of internal character. When we have bad internal character, we exhibit it externally in our proverbial “posture”. An...

Personal Branding

How you brand yourself is a large indicator of how people will respond and interact with you. You are essentially teaching other people how to treat you. This means using care and thought when creating your online identity is key in taking full advantage of...

Future Journaling

I highly recommend journaling for many many reasons. But a very powerful additional technique is instead of journaling about the past, journal about the future. So you’re still writing down what happened recently, just from the perspective of 1-10 years from...


Everyone possesses a set of core resources, and how well we invest those resources based on ROI determines our results. Peter Drucker is right that you can’t manage what you don’t measure. But you can’t measure what you don’t know you have. So...


As we live our lives, and either meet or fall short of our Present Potential, we collect experiences and external input from the world. These experiences can be anywhere from great to ugly. Of course how we respond to them through our decisions is huge. But holding...

Box Breathing

Box breathing is a very powerful technique that massively changes your body’s chemistry and your physiology. It’s most helpful in high stress, pressure, or anxiety situations. But it’s very helpful in any circumstance or emotional state! 1. Start by...


There are many industries that I view as “nebulous”. So lofty, vague, complex, and/or risky, that they appear nebulous to those who don’t have a solid understanding of them. I know many people view spaces like legal, medicine, or taxes as nebulous....