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Opportunities are everywhere. So frequent in fact, that we often miss out on taking full advantage of them. Usually simply because we lack structure to support ourselves in this area. As one of my favorite programs, Trello absolutely has a solution for this. Start by:...


Framing (a framework that supports and produces structure to an idea) is a very powerful effect. It happens whether or not we’re conscious of it. Which of course is why being conscious and aware of it is key. Most people frame the idea of the “rest of...


Planning is crucial. Not because things go according to plan. But that as Alan Lakein says “failing to plan, is planning to fail”. Brian Tracy suggests that 1 minute of planning saves an average of 10 minutes of execution. And anything that has a 10x ROI...


Based on the idea of “Present Potential”, one of the things I’m just starting to understand in it’s full power and impact, is how decisions are so crucial to our results. I’m sure you’ve experience that moment of standing in front...