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Decay Rate of Tasks

Imagine every task you had on your to do list, cost $5 per month. This would fundamentally change how you viewed them. Working on 10 tasks 10% each month would still mean you’re paying $5 per month for all of them for the whole time for 10 months until...

Sleep Quality

Sleep is a critically important activity, one that we ideally spend one third of our life doing. And the quality of it determines the large majority of our life. So with that in mind, here are some of the most helpful things I’ve found for improving sleep...


Since I use my voice a lot to either conduct business or help people with their own businesses, it’s a crucial tool and resource for me to maintain and protect. Here are some of my favorite tools to do so: Warm water – helps keep the throat and muscles...


Out of all our resources, our relationships are often the one we don’t establish a lot of structure in. People with great financial fitness structure their finances. People with great health structure their exercise and nutrition. People with great time...


Freedom is one of the most misused ideas, especially in terms of politics and human agency. Liberty is the misunderstood answer to the issue. Freedom regards being able to do anything. A total lack of rules of authority. Essentially anarchy. Liberty regards being able...