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Freedom is one of the most misused ideas, especially in terms of politics and human agency. Liberty is the misunderstood answer to the issue. Freedom regards being able to do anything. A total lack of rules of authority. Essentially anarchy. Liberty regards being able...


One of the greatest tools for reading comprehension is reading a small piece of text, and then creating a summation or synopsis of that text. Here’s an example: “Famous colleges are part of the labeling and ranking system, but have virtually nothing to do...


Thinking that people simply go from input to behavior is fantasy. There are a couple steps in between input and their behavior that make a huge difference in understanding other people’s behavior or feelings. The solution is called “REBT” (Rational...

Causal Window

When you make the decision to eat cake vs drink water, bringing the whole “causal window” into focus is key to making the right decision. The majority of the time, we make decisions based on a very short amount of time that doesn’t allow for the...


How we utilize our resources determines our ROI. But it’s amazing that even while a small group of people understand the measurement and comparison tool; Utility (essentially “a good outcome”), few realize that everything in life has a level of...